Electronics instrumentation objective questions and answers pdf free download 1.
Objective questions on electrical measurements and instrumentation pdf.
A the change in the same reading when input is first increased and then decreased b the reliability of the instrument c the repeatability of the insrument d the inaccuracy due to change in temperature.
50 top measurement and instruments objective questions and.
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The transducers that converts the input signal into the output signal which is a discrete function of time is known as transducer.
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Multiple choice questions and answers on measurement and instrumentation.
Self generating type transducers are transducers.
Electrical measurements and instrumentation objective questions answers 1 a 10mhz cro has a 5mhz sweep b 10mhz vertical oscillator c 10mhz horizontal oscillator d 10mhz supply frequency 2 which.
Measurement and instruments objective questions and answers pdf free download 1.
Electrical equipments are generally earthed through an electrode to avoid shocks when someone touches the body of the equipment.
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A active b passive c secondary d inverse ans.